Another Project ATLAS is undertaking is the support of Saint Therese’s orphanage at Maubara.
Children are among the most vulnerable members in a society where 41% of the population live below the poverty line of US$0.88 cents per capita per day. 58% of the children suffer chronic malnutrition; 38% suffer from anemia, malaria, diarrhea and other diseases and 20% have no access to primary education. Orphaned children are among the most destitute – often without a home and relatives who can care for them. Thankfully, orphanages like St Therese’s are there to provide loving care for these little ones.
At present, St Therese’s provides a home for 46 children, ranging in age from 6 to 16. They come from 12 of the 13 Timorese districts and arrive through the concern of priests and sisters. Thirty-five children are presently residing at Maubara, while the remainder are with the Sisters in Dili or elsewhere mainly to attend secondary schools. Funds are needed to help the Sisters provide what is necessary for the children’s livelihood i.e. nutrition, clothing, shelter, education, healthcare and transport. The Sisters assure us that they rely on our financial support to provide these essentials. The average cost of caring for a child is US$50 per month.
ATLAS has undertaken to provide regular quarterly payments to the orphanage and is also ready to assist with projects to maintain, expand and improve facilities. Members of the Society have already made a substantial contribution to the building of the kitchen attached to the orphanage and continue to provide funds for maintenance e.g. painting and repairs.
Would you care to join us in helping these children? Any support would be welcome. Please contact us.