Instituto de Ciências Religiosas (ICR), São Tomas de Aquino Dili – Institute of Religious Studies is a formation centre for lay people and teachers for Catholic religious education in Timor Leste. The institute has already been existing for 25 years, and some of its alumni (608 teachers) are currently working in various sectors such as in the schools, as teachers of the Catholic religious education, and in the parishes, as catechists, while others are involved in private sectors.
One of the biggest challenges is the lack of water supply for the needs of the campus and the dormitories. There was a pipe line previously in use, but it is no longer functioning. This problem hugely affects the activities of the campus. Moreover, they need to buy very expensive water that is delivered by tanker nearly every week. To overcome this issue, indeed a very fundamental matter for the people’s well-being at ICR campus and at the dormitories, the institute is planning to drill for a ground water supply that will be piped to the campus dormitories.