

As part of its responsibilities under the regulations and to ensure that the maximum benefit of your contributions can be realised, ATLAS have adopted a governance process to ensure full and open accountability to our donors, members and government bodies.

Accountability to Members

ATLAS will take steps to ensure that we are accountable to members and that our communications are open and transparent. ATLAS will conduct regular meetings in line with its constitution to ensure members are fully advised on the Society’s activities and intentions.

The constitution outlines the calling of meetings, conduct of the meetings and the voting rights of members.

Compliance with Australian Laws

ATLAS and its governing board will not engage in conduct, or omit to engage in conduct, that may be dealt with as an indictable offence under an Australian law. The intention is always to deal at the highest ethical standards to ensure that our aid programs deliver the maximum benefit to recipients.

We believe we have a primary obligation to protect public trust and confidence and the assets of the Society and ensure we continue to operate in a manner that is sustainable and consistent with our purposes.

Suitability of Responsible Officers and Members

ALTAS will take steps to ensure that all of its responsible officers and members of the governing board are not disqualified from managing corporations. We will also continue to monitor whether each responsible entity remains eligible to manage corporations and take appropriate action if this is no longer the case.

Our governing board members are committed to advise the Society should their circumstances change and they be disqualified from managing a corporation.

Duties and Protections of Responsible Officers and Members

ATLAS will take reasonable steps to comply with, the following duties:

  • exercising the Society’s powers and discharging the Society’s duties with the degree of care and diligence that a reasonable individual would exercise if they were a responsible officer or member of the Society;
  • acting in good faith in the best interests of the Society, to further its purposes;
  • not misusing the Society’s position;
  • not misusing information obtained in the performance of the responsible officer’s duties of the Society;
  • disclosing perceived or actual material conflicts of interest of the responsible officer or member;
  • ensuring the financial affairs of a Society are managed in a responsible manner; and
  • not allowing the Society to operate while insolvent.