A message from our Chairman, Gerald Kenneally
Hello friends of ATLAS — Welcome to our January 2024 update.
“Your friends do not forget you”
Happy New Year from everyone at ATLAS
I hope during the Christmas and New Year break you all had the chance to catch up with family and friends.
I wish to begin by congratulating our Patron, Sister Josephine Mitchell RSJ on seventy years of religious life. January 6, 2024, marked seventy years as a professed sister of the Congregation of the Sisters of St Joseph of the Sacred Heart.
Sister Josephine`s commitment to her faith and religious life and the education of children not just here in Australia, but in Timor where her continued support for the education of students is to be commended. Congratulations and May God Bless You!
Leading up to Christmas 2023 ATLAS was selling Christmas cakes, this proved to be an outstanding success.
Very special thanks to Father Graham McIntyre’s sister, Joanne, for her fine work in baking the cakes and presenting them in boxes with Christmas wrapping. The funds raised from the sale of the cakes will be going towards our projects.
Our first Committee meeting for the year was held on January 31. At this meeting, we agreed on the funding for two projects in Timor. Once the MoU`s, have been signed funding will be transferred. We will keep you updated on the progress of these projects.
One of the projects on which a MoU was previously finalised was the support of a teacher at the Timor Learning Centre. ATLAS has been supporting a teacher at the Timor Learning Centre for the past five years and we look forward to working with Libby Bleakley and continuing that support.
We thank you for the support that you have given and continue to give to ATLAS, keeping to the promise “Your Friends Do Not Forget You”, honouring the Timorese who assisted our diggers in 1942 and lost their lives because of their unconditional support.
Please click here to donate online.
Till next time… Obrigada.