Sister Inacia and the Carmelite Sisters are in the final stages of finishing off the new kitchen at Maubara Orphanage. They have had an amazing job done!
Chris Scharf reported that they needed to assess the old tank, which was then removed by the kitchen builders. They also need to paint the roof of the preschool. Surface rust is showing in places on the roof and given the seaside location the roof will deteriorate quickly if not repaired and painted.
Another important development is providing education opportunities for the senior girls from the orphanage. Seven girls are now in Dili attending Senior High School. These girls completed Junior Secondary School (equivalent to our years 7-9) in Maubara.
As there is no Senior Secondary School in the Maubara district, the girls have been relocated to Dili to continue Higher Secondary studies (equivalent to years 10-12 in Australia). These students are accommodated in separate premises at the Carmelite central house at Fatuhada in Dili. During the past year, ATLAS contributed to building extensions to house the Senior High school students.
The Sisters highlighted to Chris the struggle of student moving from Junior to Senior Secondary school and they would dearly love to bring studious girls from Junior Secondary school to Dili as well. With the increased number, there is a need for additional accommodation and study areas. ATLAS supports and admires the efforts of the Sisters to provide the best education possible to these young women – not only to develop their personal potential but to prepare them to contribute to the development of their society. ATLAS intends to provide further financial assistance for this project and would appreciate your interest and support.