One of the main aims of repaying the debt of honour owed to the Timorese is to assist them in education and job creation.
Lisa Wahab, the principal of Mary Immaculate Catholic School Bossley Park, is an educator with a passion to walk the road of educating young children. She sees the need to help educate students and teachers in other parts of the world, Timor being just one of those countries.
Pre-COVID Lisa arranged for a shipping container loaded with desks, chairs, drink bottles, and educational material to the Dominican sisters at Hera. The students and teachers were most grateful to receive the valuable resource that Lisa and the community at Mary Immaculate Bossley Park provided. Lisa has another container Dili bound with a large variety of equipment and educational needs for the schools in Timor, especially in Hera and the very needy area of Turiscai.
If you can help in any way financially to assist in the transportation of the container, it would be appreciated .
Please call Gerald Kenneally on 0418 221 054 or Noreen Nicoara on 02 9833 8152