Dear Valued Supporter,

You have no doubt seen the devastation wreaked by the recent flooding in Timor-Leste. Lives have been lost and there has been a large amount of property damage. The impact has been exacerbated by a lengthy COVID-19 lockdown in the country. In addition, the Timor-Leste’s government response to these crises has been somewhat hampered by current political instability.

ATLAS has received several requests for help to assist our delivery partners in Timor-Leste to help clean up the damage, rebuild and replace damaged buildings, furniture and equipment.

To do this, we need your help. If you can provide financial support it means that schools will be able to reopen, businesses can start to function again and men, women and children will be able to regain their self-sufficiency faster. Australia owes a large debt for the support the people of Timor-Leste provided to Australia in times of war.

Can you help repay that debt? If you can please contribute at

Thank you for your generous support.


Gerald Kenneally
